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In today's rapidly changing business landscape, human resources personnel are not only handling routine work and administrative tasks but, on a more important level, they have taken on a pioneering role to nurture new talented cohorts to contribute to their overall business success.

In this issue, HR professionals and senior management from various well-known companies across a wide range of industries share their successful initiatives and unique insights on learning and development in talent engagement. All of them are awardees of The Employer of Choice Award 2023, organized by JobMarket, as prestigious acknowledgement of their outstanding employee development strategies and practices, setting important milestones for the entire HR industry.

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  • Embraces Sustainable Development Mindset and Provides Comprehensive Professional Training Shoulders Social Responsibilities to Serve the Public
  • Integrating ESG Principles into Business Strategy Paving the Way Towards a Sustainable Future
  • Establishing Explicit Goals and Strategies Advocating Innovation for Sustainable Development
  • Kai Shing’s Dedicated Service Leading the Path to Victory Building Diversity and Inclusion, Caring for Employees' Holistic Health
  • Lee Kum Kee: A 135-year-old Sauce Expert Named Employer of Choice for Seven Consecutive Years
  • Demonstrating Core Values and Fulfilling Corporate Mission Precision in Human Resource Management Strategy
  • Holistic Training and Development Strategy to Inspire Innovative Thinking
  • OCBC Founded in Singapore Fostering a More Ideal Future for Talent
  • Fostering Talent Through Effective Training and Reward Systems Empowering Employees to Create Excellence Together
  • Towngas: 9-Time Employer of Choice for Pleasant, Inclusive Workplace
  • Building Trust and Respect Among Employees Through Change and Inclusion
  • Stick to the Mission and Enhance Employee Engagement People-Oriented and Establishing a Mutual Communication Culture
  • BOC Life: Fostering Collaboration, Excellence, Embracing Corporate Values with Dedication
  • Adheres to "Kah Kee Spirit" and Fulfils Corporate Social Responsibilities Chiyu Bank Embraces Outstanding Corporate Culture
  • Engaging our People, Promoting ESG Creating a Healthy Work Environment to foster an Excellent Workplace
  • Optimal Mix of Tech and Talent
  • Attract and Retain Talents for Driving Technological Advancement
  • K. Wah International Honoured with Awards for 8 Consecutive Years 'One K. Wah’ (One Family) Spirit Demonstrated Throughout the Company
  • Leading by Example, Fulfilling Social Responsibility Maxim's Group, Emphasizing Quality, Valuing Talent
  • Championing Training and Recognition Building a Development Platform for Employees
  • Creating Happiness for Employees Developing Cohesion to Give Back to Society
  • Holistic Career Planning Navigates Employees Towards Success
  • Embraces Excellent Work Ambience Enthused by the Growth and Advancement of Employees
  • Enhancing Recruitment Solutions for Optimal Talent Matching
  • Implementing Multi-Pronged Recruitment and Training Measures to Navigate Career Development for Talents
  • Focusing on Talents Through Dedicated Professional Training Promoting a Diverse and Inclusive Work Environment


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