Embracing the Prospects in the Greater Bay Area;
Breaking Age Barriers

Embracing the Prospects in the Greater Bay Area; Breaking Age Barriers

內地人南下發展面對許多挑戰,香港人北上工作亦需要有備而戰。 人力資源管理專家學者、香港人才管理協會執行委員會成員葉偉光博士指,從不同的角度看,粵港澳大灣區均持續發展有助於推動及深化區內的經濟合作及市場拓展,發揮三地互補的 優勢,而香港企業亦藉此機會在此超過八千萬人口的地區拓展商機。 當區內經濟活動加強的同時,亦增加區內人口的流動。 從就業的情況來說,港府近年來除了積極地制訂不少吸引區內人才及專才來港工作以舒緩本地人口老齡化及勞工不足的問題以鞏固香港在亞太地區的經濟金融領導地位。 同時,港府亦提供一系列的政策鼓勵本地青年人北上大灣區尋夢、就業及創業,在內地創一片天,對他們來說,這確是一個好契機。

人力資源管理專家學者 | 葉偉光博士
人力資源管理專家學者 | 葉偉光博士

As the Mainland Chinese head south for career development, Hong Kong residents should get prepared for job opportunities in the north., As an expert in human resources management and an executive committee member of the Hong Kong People Management Association, Dr. Felix Yip highlighted the sustainable development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and its contribution to economic cooperation and market expansion in the region. By capitalizing on the complementary strengths of the three regions, the GBA offers Hong Kong businesses further expansion opportunities, encompassing a population of 80 million. The region's economic growth has resulted in increased population mobility. To address the challenges posed by an aging local population and labor shortage, the Hong Kong government has actively formulated policies to attract talents and professionals from the Greater Bay Area. These efforts aim to solidify Hong Kong's position as a leading economic and financial hub in the Asia-Pacific region. In the meantime, the Hong Kong government has implemented a series of policies to encourage local young people to pursue their dreams, seek employment, or engage in entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area, thus creating new opportunities for them."

不過,相對青年人士而言,中年人士在家庭及事業上所考慮的因素較多,而在適應上及危機處理上亦較他們複雜。 葉偉光謂,「我們要先了解此等問題會否阻礙他們尋求北上發展機會。當分析這個問題時,我們得從兩方面進行探討。首先我們從內在因素方面去討論,此因素可分為主觀及 客觀因素。在客觀因素上,中年人士確實較年長,這個因素如前文提及,不論在身心上可能令他們相對吃虧,但是他們的人生及工作歷練卻有幫助他們容易面對逆境及找 出可行的方案去解決問題,同時,他們在職場上所建立的人際網絡及人際溝通技巧亦有助增加他們在大灣區內事業發展的機會。」他強調,假如港人在金融、科技服務 、現代物流、專業服務(如會計、法律、工程、企業管治)等具備相關的專業資格及管理經驗定能增加他們的競爭優勢。

Remarkably, compared to the youth, middle-aged individuals might have more factors to consider in terms of their families and career development, as they face additional challenges in adapting to the new environment and managing crises. Dr. Felix Yip said, "We have to determine whether these issues are refraining them from pursuing opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. To analyze this problem, we should delve into two aspects: internal and external factors. Starting with internal factors, we can further divide them into subjective and objective factors. Regarding objective factors, it is important to note that middle-aged individuals are older than the youth. As previously mentioned, this may put them at a relative disadvantage in certain physical and mental aspects. However, their life and work experience can help them overcome adversities and develop feasible strategies to solve problems. Furthermore, with more years of experience, they possess extensive networks and enhanced communication skills, which put them in a more favorable position for career development in the Greater Bay Area." Dr. Yip emphasizes that Hong Kong people with relevant professional qualifications and management experience in fields such as finance, technology, logistics, and professional services (including accounting, legal services, engineering, and corporate governance) can develop a competitive edge in the Greater Bay Area.

Unlocking Career Prospects in Hong Kong under the Influence of the Growing Allure of Neighboring Cities

Unlocking Career Prospects in Hong Kong under the Influence of the Growing Allure of Neighboring Cities

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